Anthem National Anthem Isoko National Anthem. Isoko National Anthem is used during some official Isoko events and occassions, it is good way to stay connected to the Isoko Culture and Language.
Guide Isoko Alphabets Isoko Vowel, Consonants & Digraphs. Practicing the Isoko Language Alphabets is a good starting point for those who want to learn how to speak the Isoko language properly & fluntly, check this video out.
Pronunciations Earth Elements Some common pronunciations in Isoko Practicing these Isoko Language pronunciations will help you along in your journey to learn the Isoko Language from a native speaker.
Music Funky Frankie Ogodo Frank Music Video. Mr. Ogodo Frank is a prominent Isoko rapper artists who is committed in keeping the language alive by choosing to produce his music in Isoko.
Documentary Isoko People Brief Documentary on Isoko. Review this brief documentary by Faith Embelede on the Isoko land, people, region and her region. It will broaden your knowledge about the Isokos.
Story Bible Story Brief Bible Story of Jesus. Reading, telling and listening to stories is a good way to learn the language. Moreso, this also includes on screen Isoko writings.
Music Isoko Music Efezino Akpo Isoko music video. Songs are one of the prominent ways of expressing the Isoko Language and as a learner of the language, you should also learn Isoko musics.
Cartoon Isoko Home Isoko home related cartoon. An Isoko cartoon, showing some type of family interractions that could occur in a typical Isoko family.
Tour Okpe Isoko Tour of Okpe Isoko Town A brief tour of Okpe Isoko, one of the villages in Isoko land in Isoko South LGA of Delta State in Niger Delta area of Nigeria.