Aradhe is a town in Isoko North LGA, it has an estimated population of about 20,000 people. The major occupation of the people of Aradhe is farming...
Read About AradheWe have embark on a number projects to better our homeland & community back in Isokoland and also have services within the United States that are of benefit to our members. If you are an Isoko Son or daughter, through birth, naturalization or marriage, join US today and be counted.
We need funds to finance our numerous Isoko Nation projects and causes...
We are looking for additional volunteers to help with many activities...
Lets grow our membership base, invite Isoko people that you know...
We will like to hear from you, your suggestions are highly welcome, please go ahead...
New Jersey is a member state to Isoko Association of New York Chapter...
Connecticut is a member state to Isoko Association of New York Chapter...
The Isoko House - New York Project, is a high visibility project and a priority of ours.
We need your inputs and participation, send in your suggestions.
All members and non members are invited to start sending in their pledge money towards the purchase of the Isoko House. We believe that together, we can make this happen.
All Sons and Daughters of Isoko regardless of membership, are especially encouraged to contribute, stand and be counted; No contribution is too small.
It is our plan to situate the Isoko House - New York in the Big Apple (New York City). This location will be central to all member states
of our chapter, which includes New York, Connecticut and New Jersey.
Members will be tasked with various responsibilities towards making this project
a reality, so stay connected for updates.
We are seeking professional donation bundlers that will assist us in sourcing financial donations and contributions toward accomplishing our goal
Please, get in touch with us with details of your services and company information including company portfolio.
Hosted in Rockville Center, New York on January 27, 2018.
Hosted in Tuckahoe, New York on September 30,2017.
Hosted virtually over a conference on October 28, 2017.
Hosted in Mount Vernon, New York on November 25, 2017.
Hosted in Bronx, New York on February 24, 2016.
Hosted by New York Chapter July 29 - 31, 2022.
Highlights of Isoko Association of New York End of Year party hosted in New York City.
Isoko Association of North America 2016 Convention, Toronto Canada
Convention Gala Night celebration with Isoko Association of North America.
9th Isoko Biennial Convention Hosted by the New York Chapter.
Isoko Language in Delta State, Nigeria National Anthem.
9th Biennial Convention Igho'toro Jingle hosted by IANY - New York Chapter.
9th Biennial Convention Ma Ku'Umagbe Jingle hosted by IANY - New York Chapter.
9th Biennial Convention Ma Koki'Igho Jingle hosted by IANY - New York Chapter.
9th Biennial Convention Ma Jo'Ovo Jingle hosted by IANY - New York Chapter.
The Isoko community is a diverse community that comprises of clans, towns and villages
there are seventeen major clans in Isoko divided into two local government areas;
Isoko North with Headquarter in Ozoro and Isoko South with Headquarter in Oleh.
Aradhe is a town in Isoko North LGA, it has an estimated population of about 20,000 people. The major occupation of the people of Aradhe is farming...
Read About AradheThis site houses a copy of the Holy Bible, which was believed to have descended from heaven around August, 1914 into this location.
Read About ArayaAviara is one of the oldest town in Isoko, whose ancestors migrated directly from Benin through the River Niger.
Read About AviaraMasquerades are enduring traditions in Isokoland. They are a stable entertainment force for the enjoyment of everyone.
Read About ElluIsoko traditional dressing are flamboyant and says a lot of about ths ricj coultural heritage of the people and their passed down traditions.
Read About EmedeEducation is a stable of the Isoko people. Despite meagre incomes, they strive to ensure that, their wards and kids obtain at least basic education.
Read About EmevorOgri, The Largest drum in West Africa, being sounded to control the war dance steps during the Ogri festival in Okpolo-Enhwe
Read About EnwheFarming and agriculture is the predominate occupation is isokoland. Most farmers in this region still practice subsistence farming..
Read Erowha UmehIdheze is a town in Isoko South LGA. It is surrounded by swampland and has several oil wells. Farming and fishing are their main means of livelihood.
Read About IdhezeThe Urie Fishing festival is an annual tradition in Igbide land, which marks the beginning of the fishing season, this event brings many sons & daughters back home.
Read IgbideIsoko land comprises of many kingdoms & clans; which are ruled by kings locally called Ovies, Odilogbo, Oletus and Chiefs.
Read IrriThis is different from Iyede-Ame or Otor-Iyede, but it is believed that migrates from Iyede formed those two communities...
Read IyedeOfagbe is located in the South East of Ozoro. This town was established by three families who migrated from Benin.
Read OfagbeCelebration of Isoko Cultural Heritage at Isoko Central School (ICS), Oleh Delta State with traditional cultural dances and displays.
Read About OlehIsoko women are known for their skills in dancing and they use this skill to it's fullness during festivals, meetings and gatherings.
Read About OlomoroOkpe Isoko is one of the oldest towns in Isoko, one of the first major Isoko musicians e.g. Cooper, Oguse and Ojile are from this community.
Read About OkpeOwhe clan is in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State. The clan has four major towns namely Otor-Owhe, Owhelogbo, Akiewhe & Otibio.
Read About OwheThe elders, kings and Odi-logbos is Isokoland being entertained in Oyede with traditional kolanut and drinks with which to invoke the blessings of God.
Read About OyedeOzoro is the headquarter of Isoko North LGA and has been incorrectly spelled in older maps as Usoro...It is hosting the Delta State Polytechnic.
Read About OzoroOil was found in this community in 1958, making it the second place oil was found in Nigeria after Olobiri in Bayelsa State.
Read About Uzere